MovieChat Forums > Primetime: What Would You Do? (2009) Discussion > The appropriation experiment was unreali...

The appropriation experiment was unrealistic.

The experiment where the black salesperson called out the white girl for "dressing /acting black" and refusing to ring up her clothes would never happen in real life. One, because the saleswoman would get in trouble with her boss if she refused to service a customer-plus in some stores sales associates get commission when they make a sale. It was extremely unrealistic that person especially of color would say something like that to the customers face. Yeah, she might talk about her after she leaves the store-but refusing to help her is a stretch.


Although I understand your point I think you may be looking deeper into it than needed. It isn't supposed to make the viewer question wether or not the scenario would actually happen, it is meant to determine what a person would do if they witnessed it. The scene is supposed to come off as outlandish. At least that's how I understand it to be. I could be wrong.

6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't happy


No you are right that is the point of show, I've been watching this show since its airing and sometimes I just can't imagine some of these scenarios occurring in real life, like a man and his underage girlfriend and teens pressuring a peer to drink cough syrup in PUBLIC, like if these people had common sense none of these exchanges would actually happen in a public space. But like you said the show is to highlight how or if the people react.


that episode was just stupid, and the acting was horrible. For me, I think it would be the acting that would just pull me right out of whatever the situation was that was going on.
I haven't watched from the begining, but I do watch it in reruns or when there is nothing else on. I enjoy it for what it is. a social experiment. I suppose it's easy for me to overlook the really stupid situations in the hope it would help people take a look at how we treat eachother and benifit from it. I always like the homeless beggars, or the ones pretending to be blind or in a wheelchair to collect money then get up and try to convince the dupes to not rat them out. The looks of horror on some of the faces are priceless.'
I usually like the ones where the parent is belittling the children because things like that really happen, so I just imagine to myself that those scenarios will draw attention to people who truly do that, because if we don't stand up for children then we have failed as a (sorry, just being dramatic there for usually the adult ones are fairly cringe that stands out in my mind was two kids dressed as soldiers trying to get the bartender to serve them claiming they just returned home from deployment and no ID. One of the patrons said he was a Vet, and was going to buy them alcohol. Now this is just me being nit-picky because I am an army wife of 25 years. If that man had been a vet there is no way in the world he couldnt have spotted those thrown together uniforms. NO patches, no names, no flags, no combat patch..and one kid had the wrong boots. That man should have saw them coming a mile away, and known it was fake. The pregnant women drinking, lifeguards drinking on lunch break, firing an employee in the middle of the restraunt...those are aweful and come across as fake, but yet again the acting does't help
I'm not gonna lie...i'll watch it anyhow. Although I may have to be RoboTripping when i do

6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't happy
