MovieChat Forums > Primetime: What Would You Do? (2009) Discussion > This show teaches too much tolerance

This show teaches too much tolerance

Take the gay thing for example. When the shows airs a segment about two gay women being made fun for having an adopted kid, the show wants to emphasize standing up for the women, instead of standing up for what we personally believe. It's okay to show your own beliefs, as long as your not hurting anybody and that goes for both sides.

"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."


I'm always surprised that the show expects us to step in and defend gays or minorities when they're being criticized. They can defend themselves. And I'm always suspicious that just the right person to get involved is always within earshot. The person with experience in the matter. Don't reckon they're actors themselves, do you?

"All necessary truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson



You do realize that they film those scenarios over a long period of time? Eventually someone that fits the "bill" is bound to come along.


I think they are. I mean I have had stuff happened to me but not everything they show in the program but everyone on there either says I was an alcoholic and a drug user for many year or I have a gay brother or am gay myself. I mean come on everyone on the show had the exact same problem of the ep happen to them. To coincidental.

I thought this also. I haven't watched a lot of this show over the past few years, but I used to never miss it. I noticed this also that someone is always able to relate to the person being 'targeted,' except in a few rare cases, like with transsexual Carmen Carrera as a waitress in a diner. It was the only one I can think of where this didn't happen. No one went up and said, "Don't worry about it dear, my brother is transgender" or "my sister, or aunt, is a transsexual" or "I'm transgender also."


> I'm always surprised that the show expects us to step in and defend gays or minorities when they're being criticized. They can defend themselves.

They always set up the situation to make it obvious to bystanders that the "victims" can't or defend themselves or are afraid to -- that's part of the gag.

If they made the situation subtle, they'd be there for days waiting for a busybody to butt in.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


How could you demonstrate your anti-gay beliefs in that situation without hurting someone?

You don't have to speak up for someone, you can just remain silent. But when you open your mouth and start judging otherwise perfectly good parents for the their sexual preference you are hurting someone.
