Something that doesn't ring true

In scenarios where there's an 'owner' or 'manager' of a nail salon, a restaurant, a small clothing store, etc., and that part is being played by an actor, there's something that doesn't ring true, at least for me. Most people who are regulars at a restaurant or, especially, a small owner-operated business, like a hair or nail salon, KNOW the real owner/manager. It always strikes me as bizarre that the actor 'owner/manager' appears, and talks to the bystanders, and NO ONE ever says, "whoa...who are you? where's Jimmy/Jenny, the owner/manager?!"

My mom went to a particular hairdresser for many years. When that hairdresser left the salon where she was employed and opened her own salon, my mom moved with her. I guarantee you that if the owner/hairdresser was suddenly replaced by someone CLAIMING to be the owner, my mom would've called the police!



Right, Grace, and thanks! I now have still another reason to believe this show is fake and mostly cast by actors.

"All necessary truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


You're welcome, holbrookp! It just doesn't make sense. If you really think about the close-knit environment between regular customers and the owners or managers of places like salons, it doesn't add up. I could see it if these scenarios took place in a huge business, with a lot of employee turnover, like a Walmart or something. But even at a local supermarket, regulars tend to know the employees and store manager. My mom was a very sociable person, and she knew tons of people around town, including the store manager at our local Ralphs supermarket, and all of the full-time cashiers. There's NO WAY any of those people could've been replaced by actors without her noticing, and I can't convince myself it's any different for other people around the country.




The owner could be co-owner or the manager could have been sent to another store and replaced. It does happen. I mean does your mom go into that store everyday and ask to see the manager or owner. Geezus woman!

Better watch out, better start crying. Better hurry up, run and hide. Krampus is coming to town! >:)


Actors do not cast. It is the agents, producers, and casting directors that cast.

Better watch out, better start crying. Better hurry up, run and hide. Krampus is coming to town! >:)


Actors do not cast. It is the agents, producers, and casting directors that cast.
Um, yes...but what does that have to do with regular customers not noticing replacements for owners/managers at small salons, restaurants, etc.? 



I was not trying to add to the discussion, I was just pointing out that actors DO NOT cast themselves.

Better watch out, better start crying. Better hurry up, run and hide. Krampus is coming to town! >:)


I can tell you with certainty, at least sometimes the people do question the situation, but my assumption is that part gets cut from the air. This happened with a family member of mine who may end up on an upcoming episode (or possibly a recent one I missed). While they comforted the "victim" in the situation, instead of directly confronting the new offending "pharmacist" my family member tried to get the attention of the manager there she did know. She also at one point mentioned that it felt like she was being punked. I'm sure if her encounter makes air that those two parts will be edited out.


There are many small stores around here in southern California that I wish I knew who the owner is.

I have been working on getting Google Maps fixed up in my area and I wish I could talk with the owner of the liquor store and cigarette store and Chinese restaurant so I could get Google Maps fixed for their business.

Some business people own multiple businesses. When they do, they cannot hang around any of them for extended amounts of time.

But yes, there are many inconsistencies and questionable things in the show.
