The skin disease
Boy, the season is just getting underway and I'm already seeing so many segments that are so obviously staged. Gosh, we're lucky all the right people overhear the bad stuff going on around them and choose to not only get involved but do so as smoothly as professional psychologists! These folks are right out of a 1950s social hygiene film and the dialogue is just as wholesome and phony. It all plays out like a carefully scripted example of the best way to handle strangers' matters.
Tonight's show featured the black woman with a skin disease who went in for a manicure, but her skin disease turned off the actress manicurist and the bystanders were appalled. The manicurist claimed she thought the disease was contagious. All the bystanders not only already knew all about the disease, they were offended that the manicurist was frightened by it. They even wanted her fired!
But if the manicurist was a real person and honestly feared how contact with the disease might effect her, why should she be fired and/or confronted that way? She was not a bad person, just unaware of what she was dealing with.
And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be offended if any manicurist, barber, or whatever wanted to wear latex gloves when touching me. Even if they saw something that they identified as possibly a rash they didn't want to catch, I wouldn't mind. No big deal. Whatever they're comfortable with. I'm sure in real life the black lady would certainly by now be used to such reactions. I was disappointed in the black model watching from the back room for cheering the suggestion that the manicurist should be fired.
"All necessary truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson