make your own scenario

thought this might be fun, create your own scenario for the show

here's a twist on the adopted ones we have seen before

a mother treats her older adopted kid better then her bio kid and flat out says she regrets having another kid and she should have stopped at one kid i.e. the adopted one

feel better everyone, everything and everywhere


I came up with a couple from Etiquette Hell:

A teen-aged older sister or babysitter being harassed in public for allegedly being an unwed mother. Since every teenager walking around with a young child in tow is obviously an unwed mother in need of scolding and berating for her promiscuous, irresponsible behavior.

A mother arguing with her adult daughter because daughter dumped the boyfriend Mom liked. Never mind daughter says he was a jerk who treated her badly, Mom thinks he's ideal son-in-law material, so she should keep him.
