Why was Kevin Shirley there?

At one point, its talking about Steve Harris' time off, and it shows him mixing or mastering A Matter of Life and Death with Kevin Shirley. Was this years old footage chucked in, or was it being remastered or something?

The mans tongue didnt come through customs!


I believe during the A Matter of Life and Death tour, they did some recordings at a show and Steve had planned to release it on DVD. Hence why he was mixing stuff with Kevin and if you listen carefully you will hear the audio sounds live. But I'm not sure what happened to those plans.


Could be.

I had the same thought as the original poster, when I heard "For The Greater Good of God" being played. Didn't make any sense given the timeline of the film.

I wouldn't mind a DVD of the AMOLAD tour...I saw it opening night in Hartford and had a great time. Would've preferred a few more non-AMOLAD songs, but oh well.
