What was the loud bang?

Around the time Elly went missing, a loud bang could be heard. Any ideas what that could've been?


I think it was the sound of the volleyball hitting the window, because one of the guys comes over and apologizes after.


I wondered that too and it led me to think she had been taken because when the car comes back later, it made a loud noise on one of the gates. A volleyball makes sense though


Maybe it was the sound of Elly slipping and hitting her head on the rocks when she climbed up to see where the drowning kid was? It makes sense since slipping on the rocks, getting unconsious and then drowning sounds like the main possibility here for me.



I just watched that scene again. Right after that bang, there's a quick shot of someone running after a volleyball. I missed it the first time.

I thought it was an unexplained noise that was supposed to make us wonder if it's related to Elly's disappearance. It sounded like a gunshot.


I just think it was a cinematic cue for the turning point of the film.
Sure the actress reacted to it but it could be breaking of the fourth wall.

Either way it isn't a contributor to the story itself.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame


Sure the actress reacted to it but it could be breaking of the fourth wall.

It's not breaking the fourth wall, because she's reacting to something within the story. When she turns around, she sees someone outside running after a volleyball. The ball was the loud bang.


Yeah sorry I just over-thought it way too much.
The ball's probably the literal cause of the sound but I just thought it was a cue as well. All their tragedy started after that.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame


The volleyball hitting the window, double checked. ^^



It was the continuity girl hitting her head against a brick wall.


Now you're Ignored for being an idiot in these threads multiple times. Stop posting on movies you don't understand.

"In your opinion?"
"Um, yes your honor, in my opinion."


I just saw the film, I was wondering about that myself.
