and he had already told Peter that Peter was his best friend over Mozzie and Kate.
he also knew that Mozzie would have been after him to get back INTO the life, and Neal was done with it.
i don't think Mozzie figured it out. and i also believe that Neal was capable of getting that bottle to Peter without Mozzie, he did have more than Mozzie as a source.
i also know Neal did NOT use Mozzie's card at the 3 card monty table when they met, he slipped his own into it. and the card was red, not blue as Mozzie was using.
actually, the card was blue, as Mozzie's was, but it did NOT have the "ridge".
he could have gone from Paris and back to NY, but did he really know?
Mozzie would have tried to get Neal back into the con-life. UNLESS....he started fresh and new too, he DID give Peter his REAL name Teddy Winters....
Neal could have had anyone deliver that bottle, he could have himself, no one was looking for him......he could have done a lot after his "death" putting ALL that into the container, even the card. he could have made the cork- with the 701 number imprint, left the bottle and gone, or done it all and left a meeting place for Mozzie and they left for Paris together.
Neal ALWAYS had money if he needed, and would not have had to use the Federal Reserve "winnings" (hehehe)....
i think we were the ones conned! lol....because we don't really know who knew what or when.
Neal now had that contract with that Paris Museum to protect it. He DID find a way OUT. he was truthful with Peter -- that Peter was THE ONLY one who believed in him, and that Peter was his best friend, and that he trusted Peter over Mozzie and Kate.
so...did Mozzie know? did Neal leave the bottle or had someone other than Mozzie leave it? did Neal fill the container? Did he completely break ties with Mozzie, so that he would indeed have a freedom from all of it? or did he give Mozzie a chance to be free too?
we may never know.