The "Karen" thing keeps flip flopping to whatever people want it to be as long as it can justify hating older White women deemed uncool. They can be uncool because they are too uptight about following the rules or uncool because they don't follow cool people's rules (basically opposites).
Have you noticed that the people who use it the most are White women?
They are either:
1) Really young White girls / women who just have the run of the mill dislike for older people -- Ew!
2) Relatively young White women who know that, soon, they too will be older White women -- not cool!
3) White women of the same age as Karens who are politically left and want to distinguish themselves as the "cool" White women as against uncool, politically right White women.
So, Karens can have ANY combination of 1. White (essential) 2. Female (essential) 3. older (variable) 4. Conservative. Each group of haters emphasizes the aspect most relevant to them.
Needless to say, if the hater is non-White—and remember these Karen-haters are fewer than the White ones—the part they will emphasize in their dislike is the whiteness.
Oddly, it seems far fewer men are Karen-haters, even if we might mistake they would have some misogynistic motive. They just seem to be less bother by "Karens" than other women.
TL;DR: "Karen" has proven such a versatile, shape-shifting insult because so many people can find justifications for their bias / hatred in it. It's just too EASY of an insult, and I hope it dies in 2021 -- not because there aren't some extremely annoying people out there who deserve scorn, but because it is too easy and disingenuous.