MovieChat Forums > Passengers (2016) Discussion > They should have woken all company staff

They should have woken all company staff

These guys and their company messed up their holiday, I would have no moral issues at all waking those pieces of sht up.

Maybe then with more brains working together, we can find a solution.


Yep exactly. The floor steward would have immediately woken up actual engineering staff, it's their responsibility.


These guys and their company messed up their holiday, I would have no moral issues at all waking those pieces of sht up.
I bet flight attendants love you.

In threads a month or two ago I suggested that, once Gus had opened up the crew section, they should have woken up the Captain. Let the Captain decide how much of the crew he needed to help him repair the Avalon.

Lots of viewers asked who was going to pilot the Avalon into orbit, and manage waking up and transporting the Passengers planetside.

I agreed they would have had a valid point -- if I had called for the entire crew to be woken. I didn't. You did. Clearly there is no point repairing the Avalon if there are no crew available when the Passengers are woken up.


I was just going to ask why he didn't wake up an engineer or something, but this is the obvious answer. Thanks.


He didn't have access to the crew until the character played by Laurence Fishburn woke up.

-It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything-


Just what I thought.. I wondered why he woke Aurora who probably had less knowledge than him (being that he's an engineer) rather than someone who may actually have a clue. Perhaps he just couldn't find any of the crews pods, they may have been in a different area but then he did have a year to try and find it!


"I wondered why he woke Aurora..."

she looked like jennifer lawrence, that's why.


Yeah, pretty short sighted though.. he could have gone after her when they arrived at the planet if he had woken someone up who could find a way to put them back into hibernation.. and if he found out that it was definitely impossible, then he could have gone after the pretty girl to keep him company.


He did find where the crew pods were, though. He just couldn't get to them. They were in that sealed off area that he was trying to break into. Laurence Fishburne finaly opened it with his special clearance (and gave it to Jim later).

And I remember Aurora suggesting they wake up the crew when things were going to hell, but they were running out of time by that point.


I must have missed that.. I thought that was just the command centre, not the crews pods as well. I guess he probably still could have found someone who would know more than an author would though.


Yes, I agree. Wake up another egineer or someone that understands how spaceship software works.

But hey, what we'd do in real life wouldn't always make for a very interesting movie, so i'm ok with him waking Aurora up.


Very true.. it makes much better films to have a romance rather than an engineering film!


I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not :D

An engineering film would be good as well, but I liked the moral ambiguity in this scenario. Not that you wouldn't have that with him waking someone else up, but it's a bit different with the romance angle.


I'm not being sarcastic, I think people in general prefer romance with an element of action trying to find a solution rather than a film about 2 engineers.. unless 1 of the engineers happened to be an attractive female. I don't think I would have been able to live the whole rest of my life alone.


Me neither. I'd go insane.

And also it wouldn't hurt if there was someone looking like Chris Pratt for me to wake up :)


I agree MinaVladimir.. Chris Pratt is a good looking man!!


Well, they definitely should have woken up someone in the engineering crew that would have been able to replicate the AutoDoc several times over. Then they could have all gotten some well-deserved rest, once all repairs were made of course.

5000 passengers, nearly 300 crew, and only 1 autodoc... yeah right. Even our paltry cruise ships here on Earth have more than one med bay for 2000 passengers, 500 crew.


They had spare parts for everything else so I'm sure they could have built at least one more pod!


You mean AutoDoc? The hibernation pods were for keeping people hibernated, not putting them in that state.


Yeah, Autodoc


I'm guessing they had the hardware but not the software.


Yea, the movie was full of plot holes in the first 5 minutes that didn't even make sense. You wake up the smartest few people on the ship and you come up with a solution. Dumb writing just says oh "we can't do anything"....OK...dumb movie. and there is no way you send people 120 years into space with not 1 human being watching a ship that big. There would either be a crew living out their lives to ensure things are watched, or more likely, the crew taking turns being asleep and awake so that your body does not degenerate as well and someone is actually watching the ship. Dumb premise and giant plot-holes made this movie pretty stupid.


that's better than waking up the girl he wants to bang.


Well in the beginning, the first 2 years, he had no access to the crew but later I agree. I would have no qualms waking the crew either, it is their responsibility after all. But I would hesitate to wake them all at once, I would choose to wake the senior member and let him decide. After all, you still need the crew to be around when the other 5000 people wake up after 88 years.
