Do you agree with how the Queens "decided" to eliminate each other?
Not the whole one on one thing, that sometimes is a little odd to me, but saying that they will eliminate based on critiques because it's "fair", Do you guys agree with that?
(Mind you I'm only using Alyssa as an example since she was the only one to "change it up" so far)I think it is fine as a base, however I don't see a problem with a Queen going with their gut. It's not set in stone that everyone will/should go off critiques. I think Alyssa had a right to "go off script" because ultimately it is the Queen who won's decision. No matter who wins throughout this Season, it is their decision to make, they have no obligation to stick with some verbal agreement about critiques, there can be many factors involved.
And I'm not talking about Queens just eliminating someone because they feel like it and being shady, I mean if they feel (like Alyssa did) that a Queen is flat out better or has more to show, etc. Then they can decide based on that. It is THEIR choice in the end. Yes it sucks and I honestly was disappointed to see Tatiana go (she really made me want to see more of her) but every decision may be different. I understand the fairness angle but sometimes it may not be as fair as they think when not considering other factors during the week or past. A Queen that is skating by "safe", unnoticed VS a Queen that did great a week ago or the whole time even then had one meh or bad challenge... that decision to me is more difficult than just critiques. Thoughts?