Why can't people just enjoy sex scenes in movies?
The big rap against this movie is it has some sex in it, therefore it's "porn", and therefore it sucks. Well, porn movies suck not because they have sex in them, but because they're ALL sex, they're made for no money, and no one in front of or behind the camera has even a smidgen of talent. Obviously, none of these things applies to this movie.
I'm not about to complain about the hot sex scene between Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfreid, but if that was all the movie had going for it I would have saved 90 minutes and just watched that scene on You Tube or Daily Motion or something. I like salt in my food sometimes. I like sex in my movies sometimes. That doesn't mean I want to eat a big bowl of salt and it doesn't mean I want to watch a porn movie instead of a real movie. It's not that complicated--if people want to watch porn they're probably NOT going to waste they're time with something like this. But if they want to watch a dramatic thriller from an interesting director that also happens to have some hot sex scenes, why accuse them of really wanting to watch porn?