Who has seen both Nathalie + Chloe?
A few things,
- I saw Nathalie first (but only by 24 hours)
- I found Nathalie an excellent, highly erotic film
Going into Chloe so quickly was probably a bad idea as the cynic in me had started quipping before I had even pushed play.
I couldn't get my head round how they would take the smokey, illicit characters of polygamy into an American setting.
The truth is, they don't. The films are completley different with the exception of some quote crossovers and the premise of hiring of a prostitute, everything else is different.
I actually hoped the physical sexual contact between American Catherine & Chloe would be the one bit I had missed from French Catherine & Nathalie. But no, the sex scene was ok at best. The film Chloe has very little to do with sex, it's about trust, nurture, self confidence, and emotional connnections. The sex was a vague extention of these things, but it wasn't really needed.
It's not fair for me to keep mentally comparing kohl eyed Nathalies sexual descriptions... to Chloes floaty descriptions of sandwiches in the park (can't resisit an eye roll)
So despite the effort in doing so, I'm treating them as seperate entities.
I prefer the backdrop, darkness and depth of Nathalie. But Chloe was an ok thriller to watch.
Anyone else?
For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
Virginia Woolf