MovieChat Forums > Butter (2012) Discussion > This movie was like....

This movie was like....

spending an hour and a half with some high energy guy (or girl) who thinks they're so edgy and funny when they're painfully the opposite. Also, maybe I'm out of the loop bc I'm mixed raced and from a middle class urban area of the northeast, but is there any place in the country in the post-internet age where black people are treated like oddities and race is brought up every other sentence? That's not rhetorical I'm seriously curious bc I've been all over the country and it doesn't seem to be so much of an issue in everyday life. Also, in what world would a girl who had lived Destiny's life not be a complete and total mess?! Of course it would be no fault of her own, but kids in the system have more personality and psych disorders at her age than fingers and she was like God's gift to humanity.

All that being said though, if something is funny, it could be brutally mocking something that I am or believe strongly in and I'll laugh till I cry but with a movie SO un-funny like this one, the flat characters and stereotypical anti-conservatism (I love mocking strict conservatives, it was just so not funny) and white guilt mixed with black idolization (remember I'm mixed myself and I found this extremely contrived) just made me wanna vomit. Give me back my 1.5 hours!


I'm totally with you. It's dumbfounding and embarrassing to watch. That's just how uninsightful and I'll-conceived a misfire this is. From the very first scene. Good god how did this get made?


I have to agree with your critique. This movie IMHO, wasn't particularly
funny or notably insightful about whatever it was supposed to be
satirically humorous about. Kinda boring actually...I too will laugh
till I almost pass out if something is really cutting edge/spot on and is
presented in a well acted way ---making fun of us in the middle, the left
or the ultra right! ---Jennifer Garner didn't seem like she belonged in this


is there any place in the country in the post-internet age where black people are treated like oddities and race is brought up every other sentence?

Yes, that place is the bible-belt south. There are still instances of racism, even on college campuses in the south. For example, placing a noose around the statue of James Meredith at The University of Mississippi. Burning of Obama/Biden signs after their re-election in 2012 - also at the U of Mississippi. But most racial slights are subtle and (fortunately) don't occur on a daily basis. And for the most part people who do those ignorant things are in the minority but racism will always exist in some form or another.

I grew up in the bible-belt south, in a middle class black family, and yes racism is real. You mention that you've been all over the country but living in a place, day to day and year after year is different from just visiting. It can affect where you live, where you work, your education and your confidence.

Did I find this movie funny? Yes, I did. Was it a little overboard? Yes, but that's how most movies are. They show the extremes and believe it or not, people portrayed in this movie do exist in one form or another. The fact that it was over BUTTER helped to make it funny - IMO.

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