Majority minority

It’s distracting that half the denizens of this hospice are black, and a lot more are other minorities- even in the 1960s flashbacks. It’s completely unrealistic and pulls one right out of the show.


Guess what, troll? Black people have been here in America since before it was a country. So there's nothing "unrealistic" about black people being depicted in any era of American history, because we existed in all those eras. And black people are real people, not fckg aliens from outer space---we're Americans too, dammit. Only racist dumbasses like you who obviously can't stand to see black people in anything spew this bull****. White people are not the only damn people in America, so get the hell over yourself. And black people love to watch horror and all the other same s*** you like watching. Stupid racists like you don't have a damn claim on liking it. Move your racist a** on to another country, or just stay is your boring a** little lily-white bubble wherever the fck you crawled from. Nobody made you watch the show, so just don't watch it then.


Interesting that you assume I'm white. Maybe I'm just tired of stunt casting. Clearly you need to be pandered to.


"Black people have been here in America since before it was a country."

No they weren't, and they certainly weren't as prominent in the 60s as shit like this would lead you to believe. Get your head out of your ass.
