Thad's fifth year

I haven't watched season one in a while, but do you think there's any way they can swing saying that Thad redshirted his Freshman year to eke out one more season with him, or is it pretty darn well established that he played the year before the show began?

I guess that question sort of answers itself since he was the made the team captain his Sophomore year, but one can dream! :P

Who knows if the show will even be renewed for a fourth season anyways. But I hope it is :)


I think the show needs to be like the Simpsons - where time doesn't mean anything.

I've never really cared how many years Thad has played. He makes teh show so he needs to be there. And if he's there, I want him on the field playing defense.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


You're right Alan. I do make the show.


He could be like Van Wilder. Or he can come back as an assistant coach after not making the pros.


all signs point to it being his last year of eligibility.. probaby hy that was the series finale..
