3rd Season huge let down.

I don't know what's happening, but the first and second season of the show were just hilarious.

It could be that the writers used their best stuff at the start and are having trouble writing funny/good scripts for the third season.

Or, it could just be that there's a lack of a fourth main cast member.

In season one there was Alex, Sam, Thad, and Craig (was arrested in real life and was unable to continue with the show).

Season two also had Alex, Sam, Thad, and Radon (same thing happened to him as the person who played Craig in Season 1)

And now for the third season there is no 4th main character, which might be contributing to the shows decline (in my opinion).

I really hope it's just me being too critical with it or if people agree then the show might not even get a 4th season, which would suck because it's been proving to be one of the best shows on Spike TV.

What are your guys thoughts on season 3 so far?


It's awesome, stop being a P#ssy. JK I think it's funny I've laughed at every episode so honestly I think it's been just fine. I think its one of the best comedy's on tv right now. It has been a bit weird with characters missing or disappearing a lot but what can you do I guess.


Just caught up on it and was laughing the whole way. I think it's great. The show doesn't really need a 4th main character, although if they can pull it off I'd love to see what they do with it. I'm not sure why Radon's character wasn't brought back but I'd guess it was a contract dispute. Alex and Thad are hilarious though and honestly I think the Kicker Harmon might be developing into the 4th guy you're looking for. He's hilarious and definitely could use more screen time, Donnie is pretty funny as well.


A lot of those guys are about to graduate/get drafted.

I don't see another season. Without Thad, and Moran seemingly ready to clean up his act, especially since this season started he's been putting all his past demons to rest, the show may actually end this year.


I actually disagree. While I thought season 1 was hysterical, I thought season 2 was a huge let down, and season 3 is actually bringing it back up for me. I didn't like the Radon character.

I am the phantom... My real name is Jerrryyyyy.


This season is ok the last episode was really funny though and I miss the Radon character he was just over the top ridclious


I agree with QBallFra3... Season 1 was Really funny, Season 2 was just alright and Season 3 is Bringing it back. IMO season 3 is definitely more funny than season 2 was And that Radon character was annoying as hell (He did have some good moment though I'll admit).


Agreed it seems that Spike cut down their budget since there isn't as many characters that were in season 1 and 2.


I like season three. there is more Donny and Herman and more coaches wife



What are you talking about ?!? This season is awesome !! 2nd season was worse.It was funny though


Season 2 was kind of a let down, but it's understandable considering what happened with Sam Jones III, they basically had to re-write the show and replace 2 characters because of his big f-up. As much as I ended up liking Radon and really liking Mary Jo, the show got too cluttered with characters, causing them to lose focus on what made the first season great.

I wasn't expecting much from Season 3 as a result, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that they were able to get back on track and made 13 great episodes that were on par with Season 1. I'm also glad to see that the show has been renewed for a 4th (and I have a feeling final) season, it really has turned into one of my favorite comedies on TV.

Because sponges never have bad days.


This show had a bunch of guys banging the same pocket pussy...you are being too critical.



It's actually not a lie, you can google if if you'd like. It's there for a reason.



Yeah, I can't find anything about him getting arrested. And unless he was doing prison time like Jones (which he isn't) I would think they would let him stay on the show. I think the prison sentence is what led to Jones not being on the show anymore, I can't imagine that a show which promotes drug use and all kinds of illegal activity (in one episode Alex and the Persian girl actually attempt to do the most illegal things done at once while driving) would fire somebody just for a drug arrest.

The fact that his injury was written into the show in season 2 makes me think that they planned for the character to leave the show.



Yeah, the riot episode kind of said "Forget you" to Radon.

I totally wouldn't mind Shiloh coming back. He could potentially transfer back to BMS... that's if the story will permit all of the character like Alex, Donny, and Harmon. It was never elaborated what classification Donny and Harmon were. Larry could also potentially have "red-shirted" his freshmen year with Thad...
