BMS: The Movie

... is what we should be talking about by now. What's the hold-up Lion's Gate? At least give us straight to video movies.

Anyway, what would you like to see? I could see Alex changing his mind and going pro, that's the most obvious way of keeping the boys together. I would like to see Gabriel Dennis (Denise) come back with a vengeance for the boys for taking away her meal ticket. I never understood the complaint that viewers wanted her off the show because they didn't like her character. She's a villainess, you're not supposed to like her! I hated her character too -- that's what I liked about not only about her acting, but her place in the show. She was truly vile.

And where's the third season on DVD/BR? I just introduced my girl to this show and she made me play the whole first season in one sitting! OK, the second season took two, but she's anxious to see the third and I have nothing for her. I hope we at least get that.


Season 3 is on Netflix, so you can watch it there at least.


BMS the movie is making progress finally.

"Ramping up BMS Movie. Getting all the boys together for serious talks. Very exciting. Coach Daniels want to get back to work!!"

- Ed Marinaro


Is there any news about this?
Every now and then Ed makes a tweet about it but other than that I haven't heard a thing.
I really miss them!


I wouldn't mind Shiloh coming back since he "transferred to Georgia Tech".


Here's the problem with BMS The Movie.... You can't really call it that if your doing it with them going pro you could call it BMS Going Pro but that's a little cheesy and if you're doing a movie don't just bring main cast back bring everyone have Thad and Alex get drafted to the same team and then have radon and Craig drafted to another team that's a good part to the story right there.


Could do it like all the main characters went pro, made it to the Pro Bowl and while they're there they meet up with the rest of the cast?

We go through episodes too(two), like Attack of the Clones


The amount of tits that would be in a BMS movie...
