Season 2 sucks so far

Ok, I'm about 3 episoded in to season 2 and I can't stand Radon. What happened to the Craig Shilo character? Why did they have him transferring?

And also this has been going on all along, I wish Alex can't stand how Alex always shys away from being the starting QB. I get it - it's his character's persona, but it wouldn't hurt for him to step up every now and then instead of him trying to make excuses every time he's called upon. Just because he starts ONE game doesn't mean he'll win the starting job.

/rant off


The actor who played Shilo went to jail so they had to write him off.


Well, that explains it. Still, I wish they would have just put another actor in that character. Maybe I'll like Radon more as the season progresses.


They could have at least made up some story to explain his leaving. They sort of just cut him off like he never existed. And they should have kept Denice. She was funny with her fake chastity problems


Didn't he transfer to Georgia?


Coach mentions he got transferred to Georgia Tech iirc


The second season was rather uneven, likely due to them having to suddenly write Shilo and his girlfriend out because of the actor being sent to prison. I didn't like Radon at all when he was first introduced, but he ended up growing on me by the end of the season. Stick it through, the show lands back on it's feet in the third season and Radon ends up getting written out anyway, which you may or may not be pleased with by that point.

Because sponges never have bad days.


Radon gets better as the season progresses, there is an episode where he hosts his own radio show which is hilarious. You don't miss him in season 3, though :)


DREAMS !!! Best Radon story.
