The show isn't funny.

"Blue Mountain State," from Lionsgate and Robbins' Varsity Pictures, is a half-hour scripted comedy in the vein of "Animal House."

Do not let the 8.3 rating fool you. It's high because thirteen year boys are in la la land due to the sexual content. Don't believe me just watch ten minutes of it. If you haven't laughed yet you're not going to. The girls are "A" list hotties and the show is well scripted and executed it's just not funny. Chris Romano should just stick to, "How I met your mother" and leave it at that.


Thank you for your input, but a lot of people would beg to differ, that is including me.

If you can't take it for what it is, then you've done the right thing by not watching any further episodes. For everyone else interested in checking the show out, buy it/downloading or whatever and kill some time. I enjoyed myself and found it funny, that is my personal opinion.



To be honest the "hotties" get boring after a while, and nothing to do with why I ever watched it. Same reason I never watched Baywatch, never saw the need to sit through a bad TV show to look at some women in bikinis, when they had all been naked in Playboy. I wouldn't sit through any TV show just to see hot women, you don't need to sit through 21 minutes of show and 9 minutes of commercials if all you want to see is that.

As for whether it was funny, it had its moments. Usually any scene Romanski WASN'T in was pretty good. You usually had to sit through 5 minutes worth of drinking/hotties montages and 10 minutes worth of Romanski's terrible and unfunny acting in order to get to 5-6 minutes of good TV that was in each episode.

That's my 2 cents anyway.



I find it funny when people say things "you only watch it for the girls!"

Heh heh. Right.

You know that thing, the internet? Maybe you've heard of it? It seems to be all the rage with the kids? Yeah, well anyway, there's LOTS of girls on that, and they aren't exactly being held to them pesky FCC standards. ;)


I'm a 20 year old woman... A friend of mine (25, woman) recommended it to me. So no, we're not all 12 year old boys.


We watch it for the funny story-line and memorable characters.


I enjoy the show. it's not fantastic, but it's good enough to kill time with on Netflix. Definitely has some funny moments too.

Lisa needs braces. Dental Plan!
Pyle! Shazaam!
Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me.


I'm 36 and I find this show rather hilarious. The girls are all 10's, the characters are easily likable, and the storylines are over-the-top gut-busting funny. It definitely reminds me of my college days in various ways too, so there's that connection. Anyway, if you can't laugh at this, then maybe you're just boring or think too highly of yourself. Ya need to relax and accept it at face value.
