1) Old Mercedes 2) Being an orphan 3) A character with some sister issues 4) A writer character, who sends all his writings to another character for approval 5) Wearing the same suit the whole movie 6) A New York that is geographically unknown 7) An emotionally troubled brother, who gets some measure of peace at the end 8) Trying to break up someone's wedding 9) Conveying important news by an old fashioned delivery method (post card; Western Union) 10) The writer character who feels that he doesn't belong 11) The big house filed with WASP detritus 12) Character who spends much of movie with a drink in hand 13) Near-death of the character in #12 14) The use of a phone booth 15) The mercurial blonde with secrets
Obvious similarity (rip off): lighthearted Paul Simon-like musical segues (song at the end was a paul simon song)
references to F Scott Fitzgerald
female whose become his object of affection, gets fed up with him--slapping or pushing him
female who misses the poor boy after she's kicked him out of her life
the main character was like Max Fischer's little brother
-not just the obvious wardrobe but also pretending to be someone he's not, in order to fit in with the older more successful adults, all in an attempt to win the heart of the adult woman he loves.
-younger sidekick/friend who naively supports his delusional friend, even though he is beign taken advantage
-friend who gets fed up with his friend and kicks him to the curb as well
-friend who forgives the friend in the end
-older male who has the affection of the woman he loves and thus is pompous, rich, successful, and becomes the object of defeat
-older male nemesis who shows some vulnerability or at least some redeeming qualities
-another older male who becomes not totally a father figure but at the very least a voice of reason and support (uncle teddy in this case, even though i kind of liked him in this movie)
I guess I could keep going but at a certain point it seems mean and somewhat nauseating.
Interesting enough, despite the awkward and poorly executed moments in the film, I think there were some great moments in this film.
Agreed. This seemed like a spiritual sequel to Rushmore. Not anywhere near as good (sorry!) but still enjoyable. Better than most garbage out these days.
Are you trying to call Max Winkler's film a rip off of Anderson? Anderson's whole style is a mix of other director's for starters.
Hal Ashby/Whit Stillman/Noah Baumbach/Woody Allen/Mike Nichols
Just because a movie is set in New York and has characters that have issues and includes dry humour, doesn't necessarily mean it's a rip off of another director's work.
Wes Anderson is okay, he really hasn't made a great film in almost 11 years now. The last one he did was basically the Royal Tanenbaums in india.
I just don't get why people are knocking this movie and trying to compare it to other things when it's a great little film.