Worst movie ever

I swear I've sat through a lot of so/so movies and even a lot of bad movies, but never have I rented a movie and ditched it after the first 10 minutes. This has to be tops on my list of all-time worst movies! WTF?

I feel like I've been in a coma for the past 20yrs And I'm just now waking up.-Lester Burnham


What have you seen, like three movies? And you watched ten minutes of this one? Do you often walk outside, feel a drop of rain and scream "WORST DAY EVER!!!"?


...haha nice

(enter lebowski quote here)


I'm with you ofumalow. To think this is the worst, Travel must have seen only the best. Worst movies? Well, you can't expect an 11-year-old to have seen Endless Love! Ceremony has its problems but it kept me absorbed; I liked the characters and Michael Angarano is a very interesting young actor. I gave it a 6, which is more than a pass.


Clearly you've not seen many movies. It was not the worst movie ever. There are many many more that are really bad. If you only watched 10 minutes of the movie, you barely even scratched the surface of the story to begin with. Sure, parts of the story needed tightening and there was at least one casting misstep in my mind, however, it was a decent movie. I enjoyed it. Try again.

Where will you spend eternity?


You watched 10 minutes of a film and that was enough to declare it the worst ever?



I don't blame you. I'm just at 15 minutes in, and I've been fighting the urge to turn it since almost the beginning. I usually give movies far more of a chance than that, though, so on I trudge...

As for what's wrong with it: the worst thing has been the unnatural, disjointed, and essentially nonsensical dialogue. Wow, it's bad--really, really bad. But here's to hoping it gets better.
