MovieChat Forums > How Do You Know (2010) Discussion > Did Jack retire after this

Did Jack retire after this

It sure seems like he did will this be his last film there's nothing in pre production it will be 5 years. For him that's like a world's record. I would if I were him movies now are beneath him. He peaked in the 70's with a few good films since 1981. Sometimes in retrospect he was overrated. Hate to say that his 70's film are... works of art. Up to The Shining. And he dropped down after that. That's a long time. Ironweed should of been a 70's film that one was really excellent.



I think that's why he retired though, he felt like he couldn't preform as well as he used to anymore


Jack Nicholson said it best in this 2013 interview with The Sydney Morning Herald:

I have a mathematician’s brain… I’m not going to work until the day I die, that’s not why I started this. I mean, I’m not driven. I was driven – but I’m not, I don’t have to be out there any more. In fact, there’s part of me that never really liked being out there… You get older, you change. The movie business is the greatest business but I only want to do films that move people, films about emotions and people. I had the most chilling thought that maybe people in their twenties and thirties don’t actually want to be moved anymore. They may want just to see more bombs, more explosions, because that is what they have grown up with. And I’ll never do that type of movie.



Yeah he's done just watch most of films from the 1970's. That's all you need to do. He's in the high rank of 70's cinema really the last decade of beautiful film making. Here is what I mean.

Easy Rider
Five Easy Pieces
A Safe Place
Drive He Said ( directed )
Carnal Knowledge
The King of Marvin Gardens
The Last Detail
One Flew Over The Cuckoos next
The Passenger
The Fortune
The Missouri Breaks
The Last Tycoon
Goin South
The Shining

Iron Weed


Unfortunately, Jack stopped acting, real acting in A Few Good Men and started playing Jack Nicholson, same with As Good As It Gets, he was just playing Jack, it wasn't a huge stretch for him or an acting challenge. My favorite Nicholson films are Five Easy Pieces, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Last Detail (and first film of Randy Quaid) and Prizzi's Honor.

I think he lost the fun in acting and that was why he decided to leave. He very wealthy and certainly doesn't need the money anymore.


I watched about 5 minutes when Jack appeared on screen. In the film itself his voice is ragged from 50 years of smoking and he looked unhappy in the scene I was watching. He just didn't look comfortable being on film anymore. I got so depressed watching him in this 2010 film I turned it off and said well that's it. Goodnight Jack.


That's stupid BS! Go watch About Schmidt and The Pledge and tell me he stopped acting again!!!


Jack being Jack was more than good enough most of the time. But in this film he seemed lackluster. Don't know if it was health or his age or just a loss of interest but in this film Jack was not quite Jack.


I don't know if this is the film that made him retire but he seems so bored and just going by the motions in this that its no wonder.
