Season 2 Ep 4

Ok. So why would these Gay Guys be interested in Tanya? And why do they invite Older Women to their place for parties and also offer to fix her up with some Hot Italian Lover???

Could this be a trick that Greg set up to catch her cheating on him so that he can DIVORCE her?

Or since Greg's a lawman, could he end up being a HERO who somehow saves & RESCUE's TANYA from some horrible fate that awaits her (like maybe being shoved down to those ROCKS the way that the other rich woman was who refused to sell her property)?

Here's the TRANSCRIPT from S1/Ep4 where GREG explains the kind of A JOB that he has to TANYA:

I was in the sheriff's department in grand junction. Then the BLM moved into their headquarters at Colorado.

Yeah, you said BLM. ( Laughs ) Yeah. That's the bureau of land management. I have like 300 rangers across ten states that report to me.


Did anyone notice how Lucia told Albie that she's from the SAME PLACE the relatives of the GRANDPA/PA/SON are located??? Since she's also had sex with the FATHER & the SON, what I suspect is she'll also turn out to be their RELATIVE.

Then maybe she can also threaten to file a LAWSUIT (the Grandpa & Father are producers) unless they pay her way to LA & find jobs there for her and for MIA???


Loved this episode. It's all coming together nicely. This one is just as good as the first so far.


Check out the photo in this review & let me know if you think Lucia & Albie look like they might be related to each other:

Since Bert said his Grandmother lived there, Lucia might be his GREAT NIECE. Because IF Bert (Albie's Grandfather) had a sister or brother who had a Son or a Daughter, then Lucia might be their offspring. Which means Albie's father could have had sex with his cousin's daughter. And Albie may have had sex with 2nd cousin???


Her Child (Bert's parent) `
Bert ---------------> Brother/Sister
Albie's father .............> Son/daughter (Bert's niece/nephew)
Albie .............................> LUCIA (Bert's Great NIECE)

OR ...

IF BERT had an affair with his brother's wife, then things could get that much more interesting. Because then Albie's father may have had sex with the daughter of his SISTER (because Lucia could be his NIECE). And she would also be Bert's GRANDDAUGHTER.

Bert ........ Has sex with his Sister-in-Law or His Brother's wife
His son .......Lucia's mother (as Bert's daughter) (The sister of Albie's father)
Albie ........... Lucia (Bert's GD) (the Niece of Albie's father)

So if BERT CHEATED and got his SIL pregnant, then Lucia could have also had SEX with her UNCLE (Albie's father). And then Albie would also be her 1ST COUSIN???

It also says this:

We should talk about the homoerotic bedroom talk between Ethan and Cameron (β€œI want to be inside you”)

But then it also doesn't mention it again in the article.

I'm thinking Ethan & Cameron were lovers back when they were roomies in College.

That may also explain the reason why he keeps avoiding having sex with his wife if he also feels like he's cheating on his former lover???

In the PREVIEWS for next week it also looks like HARPER's on the other side of those DOUBLE DOORS and is in bed with Cameron. Maybe that happens after Ethan finds the condom, has a fight with Harper about it, then Daphne discovers the condom was used by Cameron??? Then maybe Daphne also joins Tanya & goes to the party at the gay guys house???

Here's the PREVIEW CLIPS for Ep 5 where it also looks like Portia's new PAL JACK gets jealous of some other guy & it also looks like he might DROWN him by holding him down under the water:

And it also looks like there's some kind of a COP with a GUN staring at the BIG BOAT that the GAY GUYS invited Tanya to join them on. So perhaps those guys are also into dealing or smuggling DRUGS or something???

And maybe the HEAT is on them now due to Mia giving the singer the wrong kind of pill that results in his going to the hospital???

It also looks like Albie's father is upset that his son has invited LUCIA to join them (perhaps when they finally go to meet their relatives)???



I am wondering if the Stanford kid knows Lucia is a prostitute? did they talk about money? I doubt she was giving him a bj for free, I guess in next episode there ll be some kind of confrontation about that.

The hotel manager seems to be really fond of the pretty girl at the counter, may be there ll be a cringy scene where she tries to hit on her (like in season 1 with the gay GM hitting on the blond guy)


No Albie (the Stanford kid) doesn't seem to realize Lucia is a hooker. Right before she hooks up with Albie she also has a change of heart & told Mia she's tired of her job (after Cameron kicks them out of his room & didn't pay them all of the money that he owed her). Then they end up sleeping on the beach & taking a shower in the room of Albie's grandfather (because she also had a KEY to his room).

So IF there's a confrontation about the sex that she had with Albie, it will probably not take place until AFTER she goes with them to meet their relatives? Because if it happened BEFORE that, it's not very likely Albie would invite her to go with them.


And Yes the Hotel Mgr also seems to be fond of the employee, but wouldn't there also be RULES against a MGR dating an employee (due to the kind of imbalance that there'd be in such a relationship)??? So, for example, she could also threaten to FIRE her employee if she didn't do whatever it is that she wanted?

And why was that girl saying all of those nice things to the MANAGER about how impressed she is with the way she does things? Was she only saying that because she wants a raise or something? Or did she really mean it?

And IF she's impressed with the way that her BOSS handles things, then why didn't she also SPEAK UP & tell Bert to "back off" when he kept harassing her to be a translator for them when they go to meet their relatives?

Instead, she just stands there like a STATUE & just keeps smiling even when he FARTS very loudly.

There's something VERY STRANGE about her, but I don't know what it is or how to explain it.

She just doesn't seem NORMAL for some reason.

And that impression may be a result of her being required to put up with people like BERT being aggressive with her due to the job she has.

But even if one takes that into consideration, she still seems ABNORMAL or like something's not quite right about her.



You were right. I was wrong. There was a confrontation this week about Albie owning Lucia money for the sexual encounter. And he also doesn't care about any of that & still wants her to meet his relatives.

I'm also thinking the guy that JACK (or whoever it is that holds some guy down under the water) might be holding in the PREVIEW CLIP is the same guy that chased him after he left the restaurant without paying for the RICE BALLS that he & Portia ate.

So maybe JACK drowns the guy that chased him wanting the money for the meal???

Because in the PREVIEW CLIPS for this week you can also see Jack having an encounter with some other guy that looks like the guy that's being held under the water.

The other girl at the counter also doesn't seem to be very happy that her BOSS lady replaced the guy she talks to with the other guy at the counter. So if she's upset her by doing that, then Mia might also end up being the only chance that the BOSS lady has to get lucky???

I can also see the BOSS LADY getting FIRED for what she's done (coming on to her employee & giving her the STAR PIN GIFT ... PLUS letting the hookers have access to the hotel rooms of guests & charging things to their accounts).

And that kind of INFO will probably also come out when the COPS interview the employees wanting to know what they can tell them about the DEATHS of the GUESTS?


Oh yes, this episode was exploding with "coming together"-ness. πŸ† πŸ’¦
