Since PAULA'S BOYFRIEND (Kai) told her about the LAND DISPUTE and how the GOVERNMENT had taken away land that had been LEGALLY left to him and his brothers, I'm thinking this guy with the ROOM next to TANYA is there because of the dispute and is going to help GRANT the land back to the RIGHTFUL OWNERS of it again.
And that may also mean the SPA will belong to the guy who works there now, which could also be an interesting turn of events to have the STAFF member become the OWNER of the place.
Then if ARMOND is FIRED, he could also be HIRED back again by the NEW OWNERS, and BELINDA may also get her WISH to own her own business (after TANYA also lets her down and claims that she was drunk when she suggested that she was willing to FUND her BUSINESS).
Or maybe she'll even ADMIT that the only reason why she said that was so that she could BUMP someone else out of the way who was already scheduled for treatment???
And maybe The BLM guy picking Tanya up for a one night stand might also ruin her reputation (if he's called to testify over a legal dispute that might arise between BELINDA and TANYA over her offer to help FUND a business for her)???
Anyone else have any PREDICTIONS in regards to what else might happen???
“What do you stand for?” she asks Mark, who doesn’t answer, which is its own answer.
Depressingly, Nicole speculates that no one’s sincere about what they stand for; even anti-capitalists secretly just want to be higher up the food chain.
Olivia doesn’t answer, either, but a few scenes later, when she’s sure Paula can’t see, she approaches Kai:
“That’s such a cool name.”
Olivia’s grown up in the context of extreme privilege, but there remain other kinds of power she’d like to grab.
Since OLIVIA is busy trying to take still another boyfriend away from PAULA again, doesn't that also make OLIVIA very much a representative of the other CAPITALIST ( the one's who originally took HAWAII away from the rightful owners of that territory) due to her "YOU HAVE IT I WANT IT" kind of an ATTITUDE???
So what does MARK stand for other than taking taking diving lessons with his son in an effort to try to BOND with him???
And how could the HAND GESTURES that we see them learning and practicing underwater factor in to the rest of the story???
Last night what he STANDS FOR was finally ANSWERED for us, and one could also almost see the STEAM coming from the MIND of PAULA as she sat there in HORROR listening to what the SELF RIGHTEOUS JERK had to say about what he considered to be his RIGHTS to STEAL LAND from other people and then take it over.
So Mark thinks its OK for him to STEAL the LAND of someone else, but it's NOT OK for that person who's had their land STOLEN from them to STEAL JEWELRY from him???
Anyone else have any other thoughts that they'd care to share regarding this matter???
WITH LESS than 2 HOURS LEFT until the SEASON FINALE begins here's some FINAL THOUGHTS regarding what may happen:
It's probably MARK's REMAINS in that BOX, and probably one of the things that remains of him in that CARDBOARD BOX are his infected BALLS (which the creature who eats him won't want). You can also see a couple of pieces of ROTTING FRUIT in the WALL PAPER in the opening credits that may also represent Mark's testicles.
And normally NARCISSISTIC SHANE wouldn't give a damn about the death of MARK, but in this case he cares because RACHEL has also left him and told him that she plans to WRITE an article about what happened, and how she BLAMES the death of MARK on SHANE (who she feels caused his death by his PESTERING ARMOND all week long about the ROOM).
So that explains the reason why Shane gets so pissy with the other couple at the airport who are asking him questions.
Olivia will also try to blame Armond for the ROBBERY by planting Paula's necklace on him (as a pay back for Armond keeping the drugs), but KAI will also disprove that's the case by turning in the jewelry and confessing how he's been the ROBBER.
And Olivia and Paula will probably also have an argument with Olivia telling Paula the only reason why she invited her to Hawaii was because of her DRUGS.
I PREDICT RACHEL will THREATEN to WRITE an ARTICLE about SHANE, his mother, and the other members of the other FAMILY if they PRESS CHARGES against KAI and/or SHANE tries to have ARMOND FIRED.
And maybe by threatening to MAKE EVERYTHING PUBLIC that's happened on her HONEYMOON that would also be enough to RIGHT the WRONGS again that have taken place???
Because surely NICOLE won't want it exposed how she's treated her son QUINN (allowing him to sleep on the BEACH like a BUM instead of paying for him to have a room of his own), or how her husband PAID $75,000 as a way to get her to take him back again. When she doesn't even want her 2 kids knowing about it, can't imagine her wanting the PUBLIC to also know about it as well.
PLUS PAULA could also REPEAT to RACHEL what she heard MARK saying about how STEALING the LAND from other people is OK with him (which could probably also further RUIN the REPUTATION of his JOB obsessed wife).
So maybe RACHEL could also come to the RESCUE and keep KAI out of JAIL and keep ARMOND from permanently loosing his job (by exposing the RUDE conversation that Shane had with his mother where they MADE FUN of the other members of the CLUB that they belong to)???
TUESDAY: 8/10/21 (Just 5 days left to go until the SERIES FINALE) ...
Anyone else have any THOUGHTS or PREDICTIONS they'd care to share about how you think the show might end this coming SUNDAY???
So ...
We already know about the SCENE at the airport where SHANE is questioned by the other couple about how his vacation had been.
And we also know how PISSED he gets at them for asking him QUESTIONS.
And we also see him looking out the window as they LOAD that COFFIN BOX that says HUMAN REMAINS on it.
And we can probably also assume that the reason why we don't see him there with RACHEL is because she decides that she doesn't want to stay married to him anymore and that's why he's so RUDE to the other couple ???
What if the ROBBERY turns out to be part of a SCAM, and the jewelry that's been STOLEN by KAI isn't really worth anything???
Because maybe MARK makes a living by buying expensive gifts for his wife, then selling them, while getting someone else to ROB him, so that he can collect INSURANCE on whatever it was that he purchased???
In other words, IF MARK's filed other INSURANCE CLAIMS before, couldn't that also make it look like this has also been some kind of another SET UP as well, leading to the INSURANCE COMPANY having MARK ARRESTED for suspected INSURANCE FRAUD???
Could he also have been CLEVER enough to have DELIBERATELY said the things that he said as a way to get PAULA to get KAI to STEAL the jewelry for him???
Or what if PAULA's also been HIRED by MARK to be there with them on vacation as a way to talk KAI into STEALING the jewelry for him??? That might also help to explain the reason why PAULA doesn't bother to TEXT KAI and warn him that NICOLE was on her way back to the room.
And after the way that MARK behaved like a HORN DOG with those other 2 young girls in the bar, it also wouldn't surprise me if we discover that PAULA's also been his mistress. And that could also explain the reason why NICOLE wanted her son QUINN to sleep there in the room with his sister and PAULA. And if she's expecting to get a CUT or collect a percentage of the INSURANCE MONEY from MARK, then it would also explain the reason why PAULA was so eager to DUMP KAI instead of stay there in HAWAII with him.
And that's definitely also the KIND of POETIC JUSTICE that I'd like to see ... Having the COPS that MARK called come back to ARREST HIM for INSURANCE FRAUD ... and have him end up LOCKED UP instead of KAI.
In this PREVIEW CLIP for SUNDAY NOTE the way we see PAULA sitting down on what looks like the DECK of a BOAT as if she's UPSET and has REGRETS about something.
And OLIVIA also demands to know WHO she's sending a TEXT MESSAGE to (which might be PAULA sending one to OLIVIA's father MARK).
Because IF PAULA would send a TEXT to KAI, and the COPS are looking for him, then that might also implicate PAULA herself in the ROBBERY. So my guess would be PAULA is TEXTING a message to MARK not to KAI. And that would also explain why she doesn't want OLIVIA knowing who she's sending a TEXT to.
The other scene where TANYA DROOLS over the BOY TOY at the SWIMMING POOL is also WEIRD. Hopefully she's not going to try to SEDUCE him as well. Perhaps he's taking off his shirt in front of her because he's heard about how she offers to FUND a business for BELINDA??? And he also wants to get in on the action of Tanya doing favors???
The other scene where it looks like ARMOND is looking out from inside of a CLOSET is also pretty CREEPY. Plus it also looks like he's been FIRED from his JOB and is seeking REVENGE upon EVERYONE and EVERYTHING for his being UNEMPLOYED.
Also wonder if his INSURRECTION results in the ENTIRE RESORT being BURNED DOWN to the GROUND or something??? Because it also looks like other REBELS (who are also in their UNDERWARE) besides for ARMOND might also be involved in having some kind of a RIOT???
And since we also saw BELINDA DRINKING with ARMOND last SUNDAY, perhaps she'll also participate in the EMPLOYEE REVOLUTION that takes place as well???
Also NOTE that strange looking SEA CREATURE we see at the start of the clip who looks like it's captured some kind of other sea creature as it swims by in the PREVIEW CLIP.
There are no BLM offices in Hawaii, however, the feds do own a TON of Hawaiian land.
There's something to Tanya and Greg having rooms next to each other, but I think that's symbolic. Both are in positions where they can help natives/POC, but both fail to.
Yes, and for all we know he may also have been trying to get inside of her ROOM "ON PURPOSE" for some reason when she first finds him there at the front door to her room.
Perhaps she's also STOLEN the IDENTITY of someone else or something and isn't even RICH???
Or maybe he's a THIEF and is only PRETENDING to be a COP???
Probably The only thing he'd find would be the TON of CLOTHING we saw thrown all over the FLOOR when she was trying things on to wear as a way to try to impress this BLM guy.