As we can see everyday.
Look at GB where hospitals start to call mother milk "human milk" etc.
In Germany we introduced the "Gender-Sternchen", because in our language we have the generic masculine nouns and pronouns for most words, so "a doctor" is "der Arzt", which is "male" but means both.
A female doc would be Ärztin. What these Woko Haram terrorists do not understand is the purpose of the generic masculine nouns and pronouns and instead insist on us writing (and saying!) shit like
"Liebe Ärzt*Innen!"
("Dear Doctors" in male and *female)
It is difficult to explain to non German speakers but trust me: It is absolutely retarded.
~80 of Germans do not want this, but it is being pushed upon us by state media financed by force by the German people and they do this crap with an iron fist. Their goal is to make it NORMAL so people stop opposing it and at some point just give up and accept their new rainbow reality.
No thanks.
The west is dying a slow suicide...