MovieChat Forums > 47 Ronin (2013) Discussion > Extended edition/Directors Cut.

Extended edition/Directors Cut.

Given all the difficulty that this film went through during production and post production, do you think they will ever release an alternate version?

I saw it because the tattoo guy looked interesting in the trailer an on the cover.

He was in the film for all of 2 seconds, although in the trailers he is seen shooting 2 pistols and also having smoke come out of his mouth.

This leads me to believe there were many scenes left on the cutting room floor.


As much as I'd love to see that happen, I doubt it will. Universal will probably just forget the whole thing ever happened, unless is happens to gain some sort of a cult following in the future.


There is a smattering of deleted scenes on the disc, one in particularly should NOT have been cut out of the movie. It takes places just after Oeshi arrives at Pirate Cove and meets the tattooed guy. he is taken into a/ the Kapitan's quarters and meets the Kapitan who tells Oeshi that he owns Kai and he will have to buy him back. He also tells him that over the course of the last year, Kai has changed. Oeshi gives the Kapitan a Samurai valuable keepsake as payment and he gives oeshi a sword and sends him off to meet Kai, it is here it cuts to oeshi being led down to see Kai fighting the mutant troll thing. This scenes sets up the fact that Kai is currently a slave or owned fighter at pirate cove and explains why he and Oeshi have to make a run for it to escape (although that doesn't completely make sense anyway as in the deleted scene, the Kapitan seems content with the payment that Oeshi has provided for Kai and doesn't seem to indicate that Oeshi is not allowed to leave with Kai). I can't believe they cut it, it's a good scene.

Unfortunately however the disc has no deleted scenes with the tattooed guy so lord knows where those scenes ended up. It's worth noting that upon looking for images/ footage of this tattooed guy in the movie i can't seem to find any shots of him anywhere but Pirate Cove. If he did have a larger role at one point (which certainly seems to be the case) I believe his character was only ever at Pirate Cove and never accompanied Oeshi and the Ronin. It's possible that some of the pirates could have chased after them and he could have been an antagonist to Oeshi but as i say, the only shots i can find of fim seem to be at Pirate Cove.

I think that originally the Pirate Cove sequence was much longer and it's been cut down hugely. I mean why spend that kind of money on a set like that for just a few minutes screen time. It's a shame as that brief sequence is the best in the movie. I would love to know what was cut out there.


The deleted scenes on the disc are very Important for the Film and I just can not understand how they could cut those scenes out. Especally the Scene with the pirate captain is fantastic and necessery for the movie.

The is a Extended Japanese Cut on the Asian Blu-Ray, but there are only two minutes of additional footage. Mostly alternative camera angles and a few new dialog scenes.

To bad we won't see the endfigt between Kai and the Silver Samurai :(


The is a Extended Japanese Cut on the Asian Blu-Ray

Excuse me, Haldir, do you mean that there is a version in Japanese? I know that the dialogue was originally performed in Japanese while they were filming, so that the cast could understand what was going on; does this now exist as an alternative soundtrack? That would be worth having!

Thanks for any info.



Part of the problem is that by most accounts there can't be a director's cut because Rinsch never delivered one, as much through not getting everything that was needed through inexperience as the studio taking over. With shoots as chaotic as this apparently was that are haemorraging money it's not unusual to abandon chunks of the script and try to rework it as you go along just to get something you can release without going too much more overbudget, something that happened on pictures like Baron Munchausen, John Carter, Dune and Cleopatra.

"Security - release the badgers."


Lets just hope it will earn some kind of cult following over the years and we are going to get a Extended Cut, which would make the movie longer and add lots of the deleted action and dialog scenes, that were obviously missing.

Here is the difference between the International and Japanese Version:

But I am still not sure, if its the japanese footage or the dubbed one :/

The Ultimate Mission Impossible Tribute:


EVen so can't change the fact that this film is a totally disaster.

Carl Rinsch is not qualified as a epic movie director, in fact he never directed a feature film before, how could Universal hand him this job? I wonder if there are some story in it. If Ridley Scott direct this one, there still some reason to expect what you call alternate version.


I do agree that the film could have been a lot better.


I do agree that the film could have been a lot better.


It could have been better, yes, but it worked for what it was...I also would like an extended version at some point. Sadly as was said, that will probably never happen since it was such a big flop.

15 years since The Boondock Saints release. It is still my favorite movie of all time. Giggity.
