Dull movie..
What happened with this movie? I was familiar with the tale and was looking forward to an action/drama. What I got was an epic fantasy... which I would have been okay with it had it been any good. At best it could be described as mediocre.
Part of it is Keanu Reeves. From what I've read he's a nice guy and all, but he has zero charisma on screen. No sparks at all between him and the love interest.
The female villain didn't seem nearly menacing enough. Giving your evil witch a weird blue eye like some sort of feudal Japanese Bond villain isn't enough to make them an entertaining baddie.
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa -- normally excellent in his roles -- looked constipated throughout. That silly hat tied up under his chin made him look like an old cranky bald baby.
The fight/battles scenes were competent but not outstanding. One wasted opportunity was that giant samurai dude. I was waiting for some epic battle with him and it never happens.
The dialogue was painfully clunky at times. The first ten minutes or so of dialogue by the female love interest in her breathy, little-girl voice were excruciating to hear.
Good special effects and sets though.
There were whiffs of other movies such as Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Last Samurai but somehow it just didn't gel into anything exciting here.