MovieChat Forums > 47 Ronin (2013) Discussion > Yeah, its pretty bad...

Yeah, its pretty bad...

It had some things going for it. It had a good look to it with the photography and art design, but you get that something is amiss pretty early in.

The story is very much rushed, clocking in at only 2 hrs. For a blend of two epic genres, and for a movie that's about 47 characters, this is way too short.

Making matters worse is Keanu whose acting has not improved and its hard to tell if he's just not bringing it or if there's nothing written in the character to bring.

Given the story, this was a big risk for Universal, but it's failures are not in the source material. Somewhere in are glimpses of a much better movie that could've been made instead. Its a movie clumsily made, so much so that the real merit is the money thrown in to salvage it and the special fx that it bought.


Keanu was miscast. I adore him, but this part really wasn't for him. He's about ten years too old for this, I'd say, and his laid back vibe doesn't suit the part. Kai should have been played by someone younger, and with a lot more fire contained under the surface.

The main problem, though, was the direction - clumsy is a good word, so I'm stealing it from you. The first act especially was painfully awkward. The acting on a few fronts was cringe-worthy as well. Some of the actors were really struggling with their lines, English clearly not coming naturally. Sanada was really good, though, which went a long way to making this watchable.

And yes, I see glimpses of what could have been a much better movie, too.


it's failures are not in the source material

I think some of them are, commercially at least. Despite the Mizoguchi films having such a revered reputation, they were box-office disasters and subsequent Japanese versions weren't blockbusters - partially bcause they were no more successful at making such a large group of characters much more than a crowd scene with only two or three getting any attention in the script. It's a problem with smaller numbers too: you can manage to make each of the Seven samurai a rounded character, but how many of the Dirty Dozen really make an impression even in a two-and-a-half hour film?

Also, it's one of those subjects like the American war of Independence that may be a source of national pride but doesn't translate into big business and the values it espouses may well be more endemic of previous generations of Japanese rather than young moviegoing ones. Outside Japan it's not really that well known, so for an American studio to even approach material that had commercially defied some of Japan's best filmmakers was a huge risk. Though giving it to a director as clumsy and unimaginative as Carl Rinsch was pretty much guaranteeing that even if the original script was as good as many thought - and there's little evidence from the finished film - he'd beat any signs of life out of it.

"Security - release the badgers."


Your perspective is pretty bad...


Your perspective is pretty bad...

You're right, I moved a few inches to the left and HOLY S**T, WHAT A GREAT MOVIE!!!!
