Thanks for providing the link, I'm gonna check that out, but thanks also for your initial info into who the guy is. I'm curious about the inside baseball of movie-making, but I don't dig or go out of my way to follow the industry. I'll only know what breaks out to the mainstream media. But at the same time, I'm sure as heck not watching Entertainment Tonight!
Given how quickly things have changed and will continue to change in Hollywood, mainly due to advances in technology, I wonder how badly, if at all, Rinsch's reputation has been hurt by the failure of 47 Ronin. Surely any monies earned have already come in, and it's not destined to have any kind of "cult" revival.
And while there are plenty of films which lose money, some of them may be critically acclaimed and considered artistic successes. 47 Ronin is not destined to be considered one of those kinds of films either.
So, what I guess I'd like to know, and it probably remains to be seen, is "Will Carl Erik Rinsch ever be given another big-budget studio feature film to direct?"