MovieChat Forums > 47 Ronin (2013) Discussion > Unfathomable prejudice against this film

Unfathomable prejudice against this film

The current world is an odd thing. Opinions formed by a few can be so forcefully pushed out as to cause a group think regarding a film that isn't even in the realm of objectivity. It's not worth my time to determine why such opinions were formed, but for whatever reason 47 Ronin is badly maligned, and unjustly.

I wasn't into the fantasy aspect of the film, but I didn't care for the fantasy elements of 300 either, and it didn't prevent me from enjoying the movie.
It is shot well, acted well, paced well, etc. Basically the criteria I look for was met well, so I liked it, and think it is just fine. Based on opinion perhaps it could be between a 6-8 out of 10, but there is nothing awful about it.


Well, I expect you know why, really - it's because the title leads people to believe that it's meant to be a serious treatment of a much-revered legend, based on a true incident, of Japanese history. If it had been called Swords Against the Monsters or something like that, the problem would not have arisen.


Their loss.

If people want be small minded and refuse to enjoy the movie, they are the ones losing out.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Youre being a little silly. Have you seen any action movies in the past ten years? There simply isn't anything special about this movie. The fight scenes? Nope-barely register. Acting? Keanu himself has twenty lines! The effects? The CGI is TERRIBLE! That dragon looked so bad and WTF was that first monster? YOU are actually why piss-poor movies like this are made-you just see anything! We need to discern with our dollars or crap like this will continue to be spat out!


At least you could SEE the fight scenes, and I have seen quite a few. It was different enough to be enjoyable, and had a more meaningful story than most of the Marvel stuff that has been coming out.

"Aw Crap!" - Hellboy


It isn't historically correct b/c they added bizarre things to spice it up.

Otoh, the bizarre things they added that ruin the honest telling of the story aren't actually bizarre enough to please people who just want action fantasy.

Plus, it ultimately rests on the concept of bushido, which is completely alien to today's non-Japanese population, & even most Japanese under the age of 30 or so.


I agree - just saw this movie and I'm just in disbelief as to how the hatred of a relatively small group of people for the film pretty much sunk it. Taken on its own it is MUCH better than most of the action movies I've seen in the last 10 years. Definitely top 20%. Nothing bad about this film at all, and well worth seeing.


It had its problems, but honestly, it was fun, it was well told, and I thought a good fusion of the fantasy and history. Though I am one who really wants to see more Japanese fantasy, especially in the US, where we are always bogged down in european mythology. (Don't get me wrong, that's fun too, but it's ALWAYS there.) What I find odd is how remarkably pretentious a lot of reviewers can be about one movie, criticising every little flaw it has, but then praising another film, that has many of the same errors.


This movie's horridness has nothing to do with not being historically accurate, and everything to do with it being a bad movie. The acting was bad, the plot convoluted and undesirably confusing at times, and the fight scenes weren't even that great.

It's no great mystery--the movie was disliked because it's a bad movie. Don't overcomplicate it.

Before you jump on me, know this: I rarely think things through before posting.


I'm sorry, how was the plot convoluted? And the fight scenes were quite fun, the acting was mixed, but there were some good performances there.


Dude, you have not backed up ANYTHING you have said, and stuck strictly with opinion, which is disagreed with. Honestly, most of the summer blockbusters I have seen coming out these days are worse, yet somehow still get money, and even praise, despite being... empty.The fight scenes might not have been groundbreaking, but they were enjoyable, and as I just stated in a response above, you could at least SEE them.

"Aw Crap!" - Hellboy


Just saw it...have no idea why it was panned or did not do well.


"I liked it so everyone else is wrong"
