fatal flaw - beautiful imagery outscored by unnecessary english dialogue
now man of tai chi was the greatest kung fu movie i ever saw because it was about work out fundamentals and then the specific freaky technique i tried from a book but who would want to learn it, it's unusable and it ruins the personality. even that guy wasn't chasing it but just working out too much so he needed to sit down to calm his nerves rather meditate for more energy and get more manic....
awesome flick probably the greatest kung fu movie i've seen because i can follow what it's saying about working out and that's rare.
so i watch that one a bunch of times and watch this one in theaters and if you think of it like wild wild west it's awesome 10 years later when you remember it but watching it i even bought the blu ray because it was watchable in theatres but i just can't watch it at home. because it just looks so nice there's no reason to pay attention to what is said and then i don't pay attention but i'm trying to because it's in english. it's like they kept it in english and tried to beat the problem like say an italian opera where you don't need to hear the words to know what's going on. it was done so well but then outdone by the english and then i can't even sit through it to be honest.
the only people that know what it's about is the spaniards but now they're watching it in spanish and the way it works creates the problem i have with them speaking it in english now and i just can't get myself to watch it in spanish just to accept that i really don't need to care about what they are saying.
it seems like a good movie at first and to see him fight dudes for sport cutting their heads off with swords and stuff just for a few minutes is too awesome if you don't have to remember the movie but it just sucks... i feel guilty about not paying attention to the story and words and usually it's the other way around, i want to know what they're saying.... the subtitle problem was so vasty outperformed that it ruins the movie... not the first time where you get used to it but after that i just can't even watch it once and pay attention to wath they were saying. i was not meant to like an italian opera and they did it far too well before the english dialogue rewrite.