I came here to say the exact same thing! I hate subtitled movies normally but in genres such as this where there isn't a lot of chit chat during action scenes I would have happily read subtitles.
I also liked the "half-breed" part. My face was priceless when I realised that Keanu wasn't the main lead but Hiroyuki was - that's the way it came across to me anyway. Bear in mind I am a Keanu fan who watched the movie (finally) because he is in it. I am not usually a fan of movies like this and would never have sat down to watch it if he hadn't been in the movie, which I happen to have really enjoyed. Enjoyed so much I would have watched it had they been speaking Japanese.
Movies like this, that get such mixed reviews, do more good for this genre than people realise. I learned that I would happily sit through a subtitled movie in this genre (fantasy samurai drama?) without a well known mainstream lead. I didn't know that about myself before.