MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Host (2011) Discussion > Trailer, spoilers, questions (spoilers)

Trailer, spoilers, questions (spoilers)

So the trailer and the description gives it all away so what's the point? A criminal breaks into the wrong house and is tortured by the home owner. Pretty much like Ghost Writer (aka Suffering Mans Charity) where the "bad guy" who is not all bad, is tied up and tortured for the whole film.

Is anyone really interested in a plot like this? I hope there is a lot more to it, more than "there are crazy people in any given random house so watch out." Because really, if that's it, tell me once in the entire history of crime where something like this has happened in real life?



That spoiler is clear in the trailer so it's not a twist.

My point was, show me one case in crime history where a bad guy breaks into a regular house and is tortured for hours or days by the crazy violent people who live in the house. It's never happened. I can suspend disbelief as well as anyone if the plot and the execution are intelligent and real. But not here.



Ok, fair enough. But I do have to say, if you are right, then that's a bad trailer, because they really needed to show more of what the film is really about, because it looks exactly like Ghost Writer which was really awful.


Hey waitaminnit

First you criticize the trailer for giving away the movie

Then, when you learn it does in fact hold back some secrets, you ... criticize it for NOT showing more?

Make up your mind, will you?


My point was, show me one case in crime history where a bad guy breaks into a regular house and is tortured for hours or days by the crazy violent people who live in the house. It's never happened.


so its your contention that a bad guy could never have broken into a house and been tortured and killed by the crazy people who lived there because you didnt hear about it?

Now, I am not a serial killer or crazy (well, mostly not crazy) but i think if I had tortured and killed someone who broke into my house, I would tend to keep it my little secret, and not blog about it.


That's pretty much the most ridiculous, preposterous theory I have ever read on this board. That's like saying, "everything bizarre and unbelievable has happened but it's all been kept a secret." Wow, now I've heard it all. The craziest thing is, I think most Americans think exactly like you, they believe crap like this film, and they believe all people are evil and everyone has a deadly secret to hide. I know people who refuse to travel to Europe because they believe things like Hostel happen all the time. America has become the land of the super paranoid.

My contention is not what you wrote. my contention is this film story is not believable in any way shape or form.


ok, lets try this again. I am not saying that this ever happened. But, the fact that this type of situation has never become public AND that you have never heard about it DOES NOT mean that it hasnt happened, as you seem to be convinced. My point was that IF it had happened it is in the self interest of the parties involved not to make it public, lol. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I do believe most people are good, but I also believe that there is some real evil out there, and the most evil of them have learned to hide in plain sight very well. Thats how folks like John Wayne Gacy can entertain at childrens' birthday parties and be pillars of their communities during the day and kill folks at night.

BTW--just because youre paranoid doesnt mean that theyre not out to get you. :-)


I do not agree with you, because you said the same thing and you missed my point.

I'm saying that just because it's kept secret, or that you never heard about it, it does not mean that ANYTHING can happen, or that it does happen. Some things happen, sure, Gacy, whatever, but things like in this film NEVER happen, and many other super crazy, implausible things like this also do not happen.

Just because it COULD happen, or maybe did happen in secret, it doesn't mean that's a valid or interesting or believable idea for a film.. This film idea has never happened and will never happen, you might as well have the guy be an alien or a robot, that's more believable.


Well, aliens have never attacked earth, yet they keep making movies about it.


Exactly. I don't understand people's obsession with movies being more "realistic"; I don't watch a movie to relate it to reality, I watch it to get the hell away from it.

let's do the time warp agaaaain....


its a film it doesnt have to be based on anything, its just a scenario that is interesting enough to be put on film, and there are several twist in this movie, like who warwick actualy is in the end, things hes done in the past etc plus theres a small twist with john too


I don't buy that he let the previous victims live - as a cop he wouldn't take the risk that they might tell or take revenge. I know people will say 'Oh but no one would believe him', but sooner or later he'd come undone. He's obviously going to kill the cop so I don't think it's anything new to him.

I think it was a combination of John beating him at chess and knowing he was in no position to go to the police anyway.
