Helen Reddy's Role

Was Helen Reddy the next door neighbor? I didn't recognize her and didn't know she was in the movie until I read it here. I can't think of another character that she might have played (other one of the party guests... but I had my eyes closed frequently. :o)




I had the same problem. I saw at the beginning of the movie that Helen Reddy was in the movie, but I never noticed her. Then I watched the extras on the DVD and the director mentioned that she played the woman next door. I guess that I never expected her to look so old, and so short. But she is 70 years old now and is only 5'3" according to IMDB. Sure makes me feel old now as well (but not short.)


It took me a while to figure out she was the neighbor too. It's been a long time since the '70's, hasn't it?


I waa about to say "Gawd, what happened to her" but then I remembered "life" happened.

Just look at how Richard Dawson looked right before he died? I swear I'm not going to age but somehow I doubt my convictions.
