Yes, as mentioned, his voice and mannerisms change when he "switches." Although, I do not believe it's any different than how most people are when they're with their family and friends versus in the workplace. Maybe the tone and inflection in the voice is not as drastic, but we all have a "private persona" that is reserved for initimate connections.
As far as personalities go...I think ALL his friends were various aspects of his own mind. Instead of having him walk around "thinking aloud" the friends are characterizations of the questions in his mind.
Relative to him being evil...I'm not sure that he's evil. I think he has a fixation on control, mutilation and death (probably why he joined the police department). I suspect a truly evil person would not go to such length to create their torture scenes (i.e. the make-up kit, masks, etc.) and certainly wouldn't flaunt their guests in a pool facing the neighbor's deck. An evil person would torture his victims, get his high from it and move on to the next victim. This leads me to believe he is not "criminally insane" but fulfilling some kind of fantasy life that does not involve actual murder.