MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Host (2011) Discussion > His voice changes when switching *jobs*?

His voice changes when switching *jobs*?


is it just me or does Warwicks voice change when he switches from psychopath to cop?? Because if it does wouldn't that mean he has two personalities instead of being just a crazy genius murderer? I mean what if he doesn't know that he's evil? afterall his "Friends" were saying what are you going to do if the cops come.. he could have just said 'I am the cops' or something afterall he does appear to be quite powerful in the police force, police chief??


His voice and mannerisms most definitely change. Remember in the morning he's supposed to take two pills but he just takes one? Those are probably his pills for staying somewhat normal during the day when he's at work.


Yes, as mentioned, his voice and mannerisms change when he "switches." Although, I do not believe it's any different than how most people are when they're with their family and friends versus in the workplace. Maybe the tone and inflection in the voice is not as drastic, but we all have a "private persona" that is reserved for initimate connections.

As far as personalities go...I think ALL his friends were various aspects of his own mind. Instead of having him walk around "thinking aloud" the friends are characterizations of the questions in his mind.

Relative to him being evil...I'm not sure that he's evil. I think he has a fixation on control, mutilation and death (probably why he joined the police department). I suspect a truly evil person would not go to such length to create their torture scenes (i.e. the make-up kit, masks, etc.) and certainly wouldn't flaunt their guests in a pool facing the neighbor's deck. An evil person would torture his victims, get his high from it and move on to the next victim. This leads me to believe he is not "criminally insane" but fulfilling some kind of fantasy life that does not involve actual murder.


I didn't find it all that strange. As a previous poster suggested, most of us will tone down/alter our personalities in order to behave appropriately and professionally at work. Granted, most of us don't have to tone down quite as far as Warwick, but I don't think it's evidence of multiple personality disorder. As for Warwick worrying about the cops - being a police officer doesn't mean there won't be any consequences if other police officers happen to find a drugged, bound, and viciously beaten man being held against his will in your living room.


I wonder if your explanation is why people are so hateful, mean, crass and insulting on the Internet; being anonymous allows them the opportunity to drop the facade of decency, cordiality, and manners they're forced to follow by society when in the real world.

“It's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality.”


I wondered about this too when he was telling Joe earlier that there was never any reason to steal BUT then when he's on the job as a cop he has no problem stealing the loot from Joe (well, minus the money he left so Joe could sneak across the border into Mexico).

So he is an honest murderer and a dishonest cop?


Warwick is a very intelligent manipulator. For instance he mentions the 'liberal' state of the country while clearly someone with his intelligence knows crime is more complex. So i can only assume he by stating this, and thus his other behavior on the job is also to appease his colleagues (i.e. to fit in).

The irony is that although i think he thinks he's a cop for the right reasons, he really is more motivated because all criminals are stupid (like he mentions as well 'why do it if you know you are going to get caught?')
So logically, if criminals won't get caught he has less issues with the crimes themselves

(and perhaps that explains why Warwick releases John in the end as John isn't the stupid criminal Warwick believed he was).

