Funniest line :)

"he did wear a wig and glasses"
"that was cunning.."

If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0


When Warwick forces John to apologize to "Chelsea." Johh says, "Sorry. I didn't SEE you." LOL


^ This would have my vote as the funniest line :)


My favorite is toward the beginning, when Warwick says to John, "You can't kill me, I'm having a dinner party."

"Honestly, Trevor, if you were half a man you would've gone in there after the blender."


I'm not sure about a line, but one of the funniest scenes is when John picks up the portrait, and the portrait shows the cop having his arms around no one...


Great catch, I missed it, couldn't figure out what the picture was


Yeah, it's a dead giveaway that he's got issues...


That was the when I knew it was going to be a great movie. DHP was so great, I laughed my ass off the whole time.

We're in the eye of a sh_tacane ~Mr.Lahey


Yes! And then when it all came together that Warwick was off his rocker it clicked. At first I thought, "Hm, did he very skillfully photoshop an old girlfriend out of the picture?" HA!


I knew I was in for some comedy near the beginning, when the female robber tells the cashier to put the money in a bag, and he asks "paper or plastic?"


Yeah, and she answrs, "Plastic!" Lol

I loved the fact that this movie kept me guessing and yet didn't take itself so seriously. Everything everyone mentioned had me laughing. I even laughed when we first see Warwick walk back to his kitchen with that weird walk.

I have to buy this movie. It kind of reminds me of Ripley's Game. I love cultured psychos.


I love the 'cunning' line as well as the 'I didn't SEE you'. Both made me laugh out loud.

"I'm trying to see things from your point of view but I can't stick my head that far up my ass."




when warwick said "HEY JOHN!" and hit him with the picture? i laughed my ass of at that part

[Everybody's happy nowadays]


*Niles voice* "It's a white couch!*
*Cop voice, without missing a beat* "white couch!"


I liked:
Warwick: Is everyone not enjoying themselves?
John: [tied to a chair in an empty room] I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm having a great time.



"Hey Rupert! Fix an inebriator for John!"



The dancing scene was my favorite scene by far.

But I also really liked the "hey John", and Warwick hits him with the book.

Many amusing things....loved all of it!

"Well, yeah, they're baby-eating badasses man, what more do you need to know?"


