MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Host (2011) Discussion > 6.8 rating is too low for this movie

6.8 rating is too low for this movie

Interesting twists, good acting. Although some story line of it lacks of enough explanation (for example, how can a police officer who is not very high ranking(otherwise he won't have a partner) afford such a luxury life style without getting suspicion), it is still a pretty good movie. which deserves at least a rating of 7.2


It's just too dark for most people's taste I presume. And he was a lieutenant, although I would guess his lifestyle was quite extravagant even for a police lieutenant.

My vote history:


Is true, he's a lieutenant, the other cops aren't their partners, they are his subordinates. And I don't think it could be too hard to make people think that the money comes from investment and other stuff, is very common in that lifesyle, he might say he even produces events, etc.
By the way, I agree, the rating is too low, then again there's too many countrys where the movie hasn't been relased yet; I hope that rating goes up, it deserves it.

I'm going to hell... again.
Dean Winchester


I agree, it deserves so much more.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


Did David Hyde Pierce roofie you?


It's too low for the start of the movie. After the girl friend story starts to unravel, it turns into real crap.
