MovieChat Forums > The Perfect Host (2011) Discussion > so......the cop was just a failed makeup...

so......the cop was just a failed makeup artist?

Don't really understand....He fakes hurting this guy, just so he can try out his theater makeup skills? And then throw him in a trash can? Why? Why not just go out to LA and look for a job in the movie industry, if you aren't happy as a cop...why continue? And then at the end....he invites the other cop over.....HOW DOES HE THINK HE'LL GET AWAY WITH THAT??!!! Does he think, when the other cop wakes up outside his house in the trashcan covered in makeup, that it will be funny or something?


Well, he is nuts and whatever he does doesn't have to make sense to a normal person, like you. Is he a failed makeup artist? Not part of this story.


""""""""""Well, he is nuts and whatever he does doesn't have to make sense to a normal person""""""""""""

excellent point.. psychologically unbalanced individuals resort to escaping into their own world of delusion in order to seek comfort there.. i.e., make things 'go away'..

naturally, when the 'real world' starts to encroach upon them, their desperation often leads them to concoct increasingly creative delusions in order to keep the real world at bay.. at some point though one would expect a desperate psychotic to run out of iron-clad delusions, become increasingly careless and risk potentially running out of 'fantasies' to escape into.. at which point, warwick would either kill himself or remain in a perpetual state of delusion (in an asylum perhaps?).. anything to keep from facing the real world..

the movie ended at the perfect spot: just as the 'real world' was starting to encroach upon warwick's carefully crafted 'fantasy'.. i.e., just as warwick's world was starting to fall apart..

it wasn't the fall from her 16th-floor penthouse that killed her, it was the landing


It's very confusing and I suppose we're to believe that Warwick will know commit murder by offing his coworker when he comes to search his house alone (yeah, right - another huge suspension of disbelief).

So many odd plot device choices, imo. I was entertained to a point, but by the end....REALLY?

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I don't believe that will be the case. Warwick is unpredictable and I doubt a cop would leave evidence in his house. He might not even kill the detective. Its been awhile since he's seen John so he's had plenty of time to get rid of anything incriminating. He might not even have the couch anymore.
