are we to infer that warwick's character could've been gay or bisexual?:
the movie flirts with the idea of letting the audience in on warwick's real(?) sexual orientation but then it backs off every time.. that said, the scene with warwick simulating sex in the bathroom while john sits in the tub could easily have been a come on to john (the line warwick utters was something akin to: 'how do you like this piece of ass, john?').. could warwick have been referring to his own ass or to the one belonging to the imaginary male/female he was fornicating with? we, of course, never get to see who he's really 'doing'..
also, immediately after john arrives at warwick's place, we see him talking via 'video' intercom with john and warwick seems more than a bit intrigued/excited/interested in the 'stranger in distress' after seeing john's face in the video intercom.. the 30 minutes or so that follow 'read' almost entirely as if warwick were secretly planning to seduce the initially charming intruder at some point during the night after plying him with booze..
at any rate, I realize that during the 'dinner party' sequence warwick flirts with that imaginary female but the whole subtext of the film seems to be one of veiled ambivalence in regards to warwick's actual 'orientation,' especially in the way warwick nearly flirts with the guy at every turn.. i.e., the way his eyes seem to light up with excitement when john tells him that 'julia thought [we]'d get along'.. it's all these subtle hints that make one wonder..
of course, as far as john suspected, warwick may not have been entirely straight.. i.e., john tells him as much when he says something akin to: ..'you and your homo friends'.. though I suppose 'homo' could be interpreted as 'metrosexual, artsy-fartsy,' etc., not necessarily 'gay' per se..
it wasn't the fall from her 16th-floor penthouse that killed her, it was the landing