There are so many different types of mental illness, and the overwhelming majority of people who suffer from any of them are not the least bit violent as a result. I have dealt with many schizophrenics and never met one who was violent.
As with any population of people, there will always be some who are violent of course.
This film was a dark comedy, and Hollywood tends to try to sensationalize things. A movie where the people acted like they do in real life would tend to be boring. So movie makers create caricatures of the most extreme types.
That said, I am sorry you were offended by the film. I thought it was an updated version of the old horror films I recall seeing growing up. There was often some recluse with a loose grip on reality, perhaps a mad scientist or a crazed killer. And some unfortunate person would wind up in their grips.
In this case a mild mannered man turns out to suffer from extreme delusions and hallucinations when not medicated. The moment when you realize that it isn't the bank robber who is controlling the situation was the big WOW moment for me.
I could not figure out whether all those other people in the photo album were fooled, and only thought they were going to die, or whether the bank robber was the only one who had fake blood and wounds, the only one who was released. Were the other people in the photo album killed? Perhaps the bank robber was only released so the cop could steal the money from him.
At any rate, that cop certainly was crafty.