Tommy/Kathy Woods Scene Question Spoilers
I'm sorry if it has already been discussed, I tried to find it in the posts but didn't see anything about it. Okay, when Tommy and Kathy are in the woods, and Tommy is basically declaring that he loves her, and they are talking about the gallery and it being evidence of their true souls and they would have nothing to evaluate him by, because she submitted so much over the years and he nothing. Did he use his tokens every year to buy her 'bumper crops' and then she then submitted them to the gallery? Because the first time we see her as an adult, she is sitting on her bed looking at a bunch of toys/'junk'. Basically can someone explain what he meant when he said that the gallery would have nothing to judge him by, because I took it as his declaration of love for her, because he would use his tokens every bumper crop to get her things.
I know the gallery took things like art, poetry and the like, but I wasn't sure why him saying that he gave nothing to the gallery and she a lot over the years would mean that he loved her.
Long winded, I'm sorry. It was a weird thing to explain/ask. Any thoughts are appreciated.