awesome idea but...
fell short because it didn't have enough substance in my opinion.
everything was in place for it to be a great movie.
but unfortunately there wasn't enough character development for me to really care what was happening. There wasn't enough "filler" scenes to show what these people were really about. It skipped through there lives too fast, the childhood part of the movie was probably the best part but wasn't nearly long enough. It got it's point across but that's about it which was disappointing to me. Felt like they could have done more with "the cottages" part of the movie too. I loved the Diner scene but again the cottages part fell kind of flat for me, not enough well thought out dialogue, nothing too interesting happening, nothing to get me to really curious about the characters or to delve deeper into them.
Overall I just wanted to like it more then I did
I love the whole dark drama/tragedy type movies but expected it to hone in on something better whether that be simply being artsy, better character depth and interaction or atmosphere. All very passable but that's really it.