If you have a disease, or do drugs, or are in certain other ways unhealthy, then you can't give blood. But you could give your genes - those aren't affected by your health. (At least, that is what was believed when this book was written.) The only thing I'd worry about is whether traits such as a propensity toward drug addiction is genetic, in which case, a clone would inherit that propensity.
I thought they used "seedy" types (assuming that was true) because they were the most powerless in society, with the fewest resources, and would probably not be able to find their clone(s) or do anything about it if they did. Imagine how you'd feel if you discovered a clone of yourself, about to be harvested for his/her body parts. I'd think that would be pretty upsetting. You couldn't have a bunch of educated, middle-class people getting upset about the short, tormented lives their clones were living - that might cause problems for the program. But who's going to listen to a bunch of prostitutes and drug addicts?