MovieChat Forums > Never Let Me Go (2010) Discussion > Ruth's completion (spoilers)

Ruth's completion (spoilers)

they only took one organ out of Ruth when she died. if they were going through all that trouble why wouldn't they take every single organ she had, & put it on ice. the surgical staff just left the room. I know it's a movie.

I Can Never Figure Out If This Space is A User's Signature or Not (The Line Helps)


I think Ruth had donated a few times before.

Remember in the movie she was so out of breath...more than likely she had a lung romoved.

Also Carey Mulligan's character sees her image on a computer screen and the nurse informs her that it's her 3-4th donation already. She also says something like they don't live long after that and when they've made up their mind to go they do. I'm not surprised they don't live long as how many more bloody organs can a human survive without?

You have a point though...if she gave one lung and one kidney and died when they took out her liver..then why not take out the remaining lung, kidney, eyes etc?

The inefficiency of the system? Or they had so many clones they just didn't care as they knew they could harvest more?

I'm not posh, I just like VB's clothes.


Yes, it's definitely not her first and we weren't told which ones were already gone. Maybe the ones she had left didn't have a value at that point or couldn't be preserved long enough to bother.

And that's not what the films about. I've had to say that now 3 or 4 times.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


if she gave one lung and one kidney and died when they took out her liver..then why not take out the remaining lung, kidney, eyes etc?

There may have been some residual moral sense from the technologists, to try to save the life of a donor, and when they die to wait a little while before they butcher the carcasse.

In his cloak of words strode the ringmaster


The organs need to be removed immediately. If there's no blood pumping and they're not cooled down, the cellular tissues will die rather quickly.


My impression was that they had such a good supply of donors that they could be picky about when and from whom they take organs. I'd imagine the waiting list wouldn't be long so when someone comes up with the need for a transplant a match is called up and they can take a healthy living organ rather than having to harvest and freeze after death.

Not very considerate to the donors, but then there wasn't much of that going around.


That was my take on it. Sort of like how we currently throw away perfectly good food because there's plenty of fruit and nobody wants an ugly apple or day old bread, never mind that there are people who do need that food. It's entirely possible that this organ donation system is not necessarily a government one either. It could be that people pay for these organs, but they are affordable because they are plentiful, and people won't pay for post-mortem harvested organs.

Is it wasteful? Yes. It is completely unbelievable? No. There are "battery farms" of donors being raised up at any moment.

Also, its possible there may be a second team to harvest tissues from the corpses after the surgeons have left. You don't necessarily need a surgeon for a dead patient. The surgeons may just be trained to stop, pack up and let those people take over ASAP if you want to imagine a way that suggests less "waste".


Right. It's illogical that in a world where harvesting organs is so commonplace that they would let so many go to waste.

And , who are all the heart donors? If everyone is 'completing' unexpectedly, at what point are the heart transplants happening? Because donors might be able to spare a kidney , a piece of liver, a lobe of a lung, etc. but the heart is definitely a 'will complete' donation.

I know a lot of things in this movie don't make sense, but even if we play by the rules of the movie, it doesn't make sense lol.
