this doesn't make sense
Every donor is 'modeled' after an original, right? So i am assuming they donate their organs only to their originals ? (make sense right?)
So the question is : WHEN are these donors born/made?
The first scenario would be, if these clones/donors would be born/made at the same time the original is born. That way if anything happened there will be spare parts. But most donors apparently die/complete after their 3th donation. In Ruth's case and also in Tommy's case, and apparently many more, these donors die at a very young age, let's say they are 26 years old. How come the originals need 3 transplantation of vital organs at that very young age???? What horrible disease does everybody have that they would need 3 transplantions by the time they are 26??
Wouldn't it be more normal if people needed spare parts when they are old and their body is worn out? So the donors would be much older if they died/completed.
Second scenario is that these clones are made years after the originals were born, when they are young adults for example. So that the clones are grown up by the time old age would hit the originals, and they started to need donors.
But if they are made years after, what if an original would all of a sudden, need a unexpected transplantion at a very young age, and the donors are not yet born??
See, either way it doesn't work
or is there answer given in the book?
Or are