MovieChat Forums > The Resident (2011) Discussion > Didn't anyone else find this REALLY dist...

Didn't anyone else find this REALLY disturbing?!!!OMFG SPOILERS

I only knew a little about the plot but thought it was just a basic psycho stalker movie and only got it cause I love hillary Swank and thought it might be good if she's in it she's in it being sh's an (A) list actress.
(Spoilers) Don't read if you haven't seen the movie--it will ruin it

I thought i was pretty decent and the stuff he was doing like hiding under her bed and using her toothbrush were pretty creepy but not in a million years did I think that when she watched the survailence camera that it would show that she was being freaking raped while she was drugged?!!!!!!! HFS!!!!! Thank god it didn't actually show it but that is on of the most deeply disturbing freaky horrific things I've ever seen in a movie. Especially since its Hillary Swank! Didn't any one else think this was one of the most horrific things the've ever seen in a movie or is it just me?


It's just you.

Seriously if that's the most horrific thing you've seen in a movie, you can't have seen many movies. I've seen more horrific things on TV. Before the watershed.

It wasn't nice but they didn't actually show anything.

"The best way to keep a guy at least ten feet away? Dry heave. Vomit is the new mace." Veronica




I think the program *was* password protected, they showed her logging in right before she viewed the videos.

Yeah, I was surprised by the actual rape, I thought he was just doing weird, small things while she was drugged, like sucking on her fingers. Raping her put it in a whole new category, making him more than just a little creepy in a really good looking and possibly acceptable way, but someone that needed to die.

Wouldn't you think she would have noticed she was feeling a little... um... tender the days after he had violated her? They should have hinted at that. His change to violent psychopath was a little too abrupt.


I think he only performed the rape on the final night he was in her room. Seems like something he would have graduated to after all the more subtle things he was doing like caressing her and hiding under the bed. She would have felt the intercourse more before then. The effects of the demoral may have made her muscles feel tender or achy all over and not realize that she was raped. Plus she may have been in denial about something like that happening since she thought she was safe and alone in the apartment.


That must be why, the one morning after she got up, she was rolling her neck and shoulders like she was sore. I didn't know Demoral caused muscle aches. Plus if she was so knocked out, she probably wasn't moving much during the night. As for the surveilance system, I thought it was foolish she left it up, even if it was password protected. If someone is intruding, do you want them to see a computer screen announcing it? The camera wasn't even that discreet, and there should have been one in every room except the bathroom.


What is this, the 80's? ha ha classic!

Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


Didn't anyone else find this REALLY disturbing?!!!

I love this person.

It's jUsT LiKe cAbO


Yes I was disturbed by the finger sucking scene and the scene you mentioned. It was effective because to me Hillary Swank is extremely likeable. I felt soo bad for her when she watched the tape. During the finger scene I felt dirty and kept thinking "This is soo wrong!"

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~


The finger scene actually made me look away! It was disturbing - even though it was just a movie it turned my stomach! Creepiness factor: 10.
Regarding movies like this one and Sliver (I didn't like Sliver) where women were being watched via cameras in their apartments - Maybe movies like this made me paranoid, but when I moved into my new place (which was just built) I thought how easy it would be for someone to have put cameras in strategic places. I had to "investigate" to make sure that nothing was in the walls or vents! Brahahahaha. True.

And, yes it makes sense that maybe she was only raped once...the last night. He was pretty fearless though, the way he moved about her apartment while she was just feet away. If she was being violated nightly, she should have been somewhat suspicious. Clues...

I too wondered why she left her computer out like that. I thought it said that she had X amount of videos on the screen - that he could clearly see the home screen, not the videos though. But he would know what ADT was, right? That is how he found out that she knew what was going on, I thought.

The ending wasn't what I was hoping for, but she nailed him in the end! Haha

“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed!” Shakespeare
