Similar to Lady Beware
This movie is somewhat similar to the movie 'Lady Beware' starring Diane Lane (1987). Lane lives alone in a huge city loft and is being stalked....although Lane's character doesn't know her stalker.
He breaks in when she goes to work or goes out. He takes a bath in her tub and uses her toothbrush. He rolls around on the bed (lol) with her nightgown!
Both women might want to lay off of the baths & wine every single night and just buy a TV!
Anyway, Diane Lane gives a great performance as always, and IMO nobody can dispute Hilary Swank's talent either.
This movie wasn't Oscar material for sure, but it was entertaining. If you did like it, you should also watch 'Lady Beware'.
“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed!” Shakespeare