Finn in Yes/No

I just rewatched this episode for the first time since it aired... I remembered obviously that Finn's dad died of an overdose (though I hadn't remembered exactly which episode it was that he found out), but MAN that was really, really hard to watch. Like... Carol talking about how his dad had been a good man, and that he was so much more than those last few months of his life.... it was just so insanely eerily prescient and heartbreaking in retrospect.

I'm prepared for the season 5 Finn-centered episodes to be a tough rewatch, but that one just hit me like a ton of bricks.

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel


Ironic indeed. One would think a scene like that would wake Cory up, but no. He kept on using and paid the price. 
