One of my favorite Christmas movies...
This one has really crept up on me and is now one of my top few. I really like that Hallmark goes all out for the holidays but a lot of their overly "relationshipy" movies are watchable only because they capture the Christmas vibe so well. We leave at least one TV on Hallmark through the holidays for the ambiance - even though many of their movies are of the "Will she get a man in time for Christmas?" story line. This one is no different but it has a cute, albeit predictable, version of the Hallmark formula and a cast of completely likable characters and actors perfectly suited to play them.
I keep it in my Tivo and at least watch certain scenes throughout the year when I'm longing for the holidays during the months when it seems so far away. My favorite scene is when Morgan tells Jennifer that he hates when he hears people say they can't wait for Christmas to be over and he replies "for me, the saddest day of the year is December 26th."